
Valentine’s Day, 2008

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of lover to express their loves to each other. It is on February 14th of every year. The symbol of Valentine’s Day is a red heart – shaped; however, the lover can express in other patterns such as chocolates, cards, flowers and others.

Why I write a blog about Valentine’s Day? Because Valentine’s Day is coming and every year, Valentine’s Day is a special occasion of my family that is my father’s birthday, so my family arranges the celebration and gives the gifts to my father every year. But, this year is special more than every year because I will give a chocolate to someone that I like him very much.

He is a senior in school of Law same as me. I have liked him for five months but I could express to him that I like him because that time he had a girlfriend so I must keep my feeling all along. Nevertheless, the destiny is taking side with me now because he and his girlfriend were terminated by some reason about a month that I just knew when I went to ALSA Camp that made me very happy. I know that I think like this, it is very bad but I like him really.

At this time, the Valentine’s Day is coming; I decided that I will do a Valentine’s chocolate and a Valentine’s card to give him to express my feeling. So yesterday, I went to buy the ingredient of Valentine’s chocolate such as chocolate bars, almonds, and butters. When I walked to choose the chocolate, I met chocolate which has a guitar – shaped, that I bought it suddenly because the man who I like, he plays the guitar and the last thing that I bought is a Valentine’s card. However, I did not forget the gift for my father. I used a long time to choose the gift for my father because I did not know that what I should buy for him. Finally, I bought a coffee cup which has feature, a man is growing a love tree, and for my father because every morning, my father likes to drink a coffee so I thought; when he uses this coffee cup, he will miss me all the time.

Valentine’s Day, I have two plans that are cooking the Valentine’s chocolate, first is for a person I like, I will do chocolate in a pattern of a small piece about 18 pieces that has an almond inside of each piece. I will pack it in a middle silver box and tie it by blue ribbon. Then the Valentine’s chocolate for my father and my friends; I will make it in a pattern of a big piece same as the cookie of Ms. Fill because I will give each person just one piece.

Finally, I am very excited to give the Valentine’s chocolate and the Valentine’s card to him because I am so shy to express my feeling and I fear that he will not be pleased because he thinks about me as a sister. Then, I hope, when he gets my chocolate, he will have a happiness; even though he is not pleases with my Valentine’s chocolate, I wish he will not change the good relationships between us into bad way. I hope indeed.


Hello, everyone. From the last article which was ALSA, I told you that I went to interview to be a caretaker, who will look after the delegates from Japan that they will come to Thailand on 13 – 22 February, 2008. Now, I knew the result of the interview that I was selected to be the caretaker. When I knew the result, I was very happy because at the first time, I thought; other people who came to interview to be the caretaker same as me, they were excellently on speaking English and having knowledge more than me. After that I asked the committee why I was selected to be caretaker, they answered me that because they wanted the caretaker who has cleverness to solve the problems, and I have it. Now I am a caretaker, I must go to ALSA Camp to learn working about ALSA and a duty of caretaker.

ALSA Camp was arranged at Nakornratchasrima on 1st – 3rd February, 2008. The amount of people who went to ALSA Camp is 29 persons that involved one teacher who look after the ALSA of Assumption University. When we arrived a place which we must stay about 3 days and 2 nights, we thought; there had a water and an electricity to use or not because there were the farm of cow. But, when we went to a house which we must stay, it had the water and electricity that made me very happy.

After we kept a bag, the committee called us to hold a meeting to study about ALSA such as history, objective, structure, and activity that everybody in ALSA should know and they divided the freshman about 18 persons into 3 groups for giving the project about ALSA. They wanted each group to make one project, which could do for real and do the advantages to ALSA of Thailand or Assumption University. They gave 4 hours to think for the project and gave four seniors for us, so we could ask the questions, but they could not teach us to do the project, so we must try to do by ourselves that maybe correct or incorrect. In the end of the first day, the committee and the teacher gave us to report the project to them in the next day after that they commented each group about the wrong thing in the project, we must rewrite it again and do the project like a real working in our life.

The second day, we did the project with discourage because the comment that our group received are very bad but in this day, the four seniors helped and taught us to do the project so we could do it correctly. However, the step of the project could become true or not, it depend on ourselves that we could pass each step which had something to block us. In the end of the second day, it had the ceremony of the camp that is open - mind time that was everyone could say everything that they want without attention anyone such as I could admire the senior or my friends, I could reprove someone without the penalty. The reason that had open - mind because the requirement give everybody to know the advantage and disadvantage of them and bring everything which listened to improve themselves that made me like this ceremony very much.

The last day, we did a plan year of ALSA which is the activity that ALSA will do in 2008 - 2009 such as public speaking, moot court, conference, forum, study trip, and others. After we did the plan year, we left from the camp about 3.00 P.M. that we visited the Kru Tor restaurant to buy a curry puff and other souvenir for our family. We arrived at Assumption University about 7.00 P.M. with safety.

Finally, I was very happy when I went to the ALSA Camp because I met new friends and the senior as well. I knew the system of working in ALSA that I would like to do all the time that I think; it can help me to do everything carefully and systematically. So, I will improve myself to be a good person in the future. At last, I will meet Japanese and practice English to advance.



ALSA is an ASIAN LAW STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION that is composed 10 membership countries and regions to discuss and exchange opinions of each country about laws and statute for development potential law students in Asian, including Thailand, Japan, Korean, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.

A reason that I write about ALSA because I want to participate in the activities of ALSA such as Asian forum, conference, study trip, debate competition and mooting competition that I will get many experiences and I want to practice my English to be better which I can use in the future both studying and working. So I would like to present ALSA to you.

The activity that I will participate on 13 – 22 March, 2008 is study trip between Thailand and Japan that the Japanese’s law students from Waseda University will come to Assumption University at Suwannabhumi Campus so I will be a staff in this study trip. Before I can be a staff, I must be practiced and was interviewed by Assumption University’s committee of ALSA.

The first activity that I practiced is Public Speaking which had a professor who has experiences about a speaking suggested and taught me to speak in public very well and evaluated my speaking that were better or not. In this activity, I was very excited so when I stayed on stage, my hands were shaking that made my point was decreased but this activity helped me to speak boldly more than before.

The second activity is interviewing each position to be a staff in study trip. The position that I volunteer for is a caretaker who must look after the delegates from Japan all trip in Thailand. I think; caretaker will practice the English language more than other positions so if I am a caretaker, my English will improve absolutely. When I was interviewed, I was excited less from the public speaking. I dared to answer the questions that I had to answer them in English. Maybe I was not excited because this time there was no professor here. Now, I am waiting for the interviewing’s result. I hope, I will be a caretaker.

The third activity is ALSA Camp that everyone in ALSA must go to this camp on 1 – 3 February, 2008. The purpose of the camp is ice breaking everybody to have a same thought, to know the process of working, to practice a job, and to know the solution to solve the problems that suddenly happen unexpectedly. I think; I will go there because in a study trip has many activities that every staff should know the detail for efficiency of working.

The activities in study trip are welcome party, campus tour, table discussion, legal course, culture trip, cultural exchange, culture night, cooking night, Farwell party, and others that every activity the delegates from Japan will join with the delegates from Thailand that will make a good relation between two countries.

Finally, I think; every activity that I participated is the benefits for my life. I feel proud in myself; even if, I failed in something because I have an attempt to do everything. Then, I hope, my attempt will be succeed. (I want to be a caretaker.) 555+


Can we always tell the truth?

If I ask you, can you always tell the truth? How you are going to- answer me? Why I ask you about the truth? I asked you about it because I think; nowadays human’s life relate to the truth all the time. The human can not avoid the truth in life, we must meet it anyway. If your answer is “you can always tell the truth”, I do not believe you absolutely. Why I said “I do not believe you” because I think everybody all around the world must be used to tell a lie just once in their lives but if your answer are “you can not always tell the truth”, I believe you because in my life that I can not always tell the truth, too.

When someone said about the truth what did you think about that? If someone said to me, I might think about the truth in life, the truth in action, the truth in speaking and the others.

Do you know the meaning of the truth? The truth is everything, all the facts about it. Now, I would like to say about the truth in speaking. I said about it because I think; every human has to speak all the time.

Have you ever thought how often you are speaking in one day? In one day, I think; I and you speak many times and many stories. Sometime, you may speak with your parents, your friends, you girlfriend or your boyfriend, your colleagues, your boss and others.

Have you ever told someone a lie? I think; you have never thought to tell a lie and you do not want to tell a lie to someone whom you speak with, but sometime you are necessary to tell a lie to him or her to protect yourself, or someone else.

What time or situation do you tell a lie? I do not know what time that you tell a lie but I know what situation that you are necessary to tell a lie. The situations that you tell a lie such as when you have a story which is secrecy, you can not tell something in the story to everyone. When you do something, which is the mistake that you do not want to receive a complaint from a person who take it. When you want to be a perfect person in others’ attitude, you tell a lie to everybody to think you are better in everything. You tell a lie to someone that may harm you or someone that you do not want yourself or them to get in danger. When someone steal something and he is caught on the spot, he need to tell a lie saying that he does not steal but others do it, he throws a mistake to others. When you want to do something in order to surprise someone, you would like to tell a lie to him. When you hang out without permission of your parents, you tell a lie to them that you have to do homework at school with your friends, so you will come back home late.

Finally, I would like to tell you that many times that I lied to other people. There are many reasons why I did it. Every time I lied, it made whom I can fool whether to be happy or sad. I am sorry for every thing that I laid. I did not want to tell a lie to anyone. I know, a lie is wrong but I have no choice. I hope that everybody will understand me, and everyone who has ever told a lie. Do you think like me?


The First Time in Japan

Have you ever want to go to Japan? I was the one who dreamed to travel to Japan because I thought Japan is a country that has own style very interested. They have a culture that is different from other countries, and it has beauty that is very attractive people to find.

For 18 years, I had dreamed to go to Japan. I wanted to stay at there about a month so I had kept my money for it. Before I had made my dream to become true, my relations brought me to Japan with them on 25-30 December,2007, but my father and my mother did not go with me because they went to Japan before I would go for 2 weeks and my brother did not go because he had a work, too.

The First Day (On 25 December, 2007)
I went to SUWANAPOOM Airport to meet the staffs from Royal Holidays Company who had the duty to take care of us this entire trip. When we checked in at counter ROW R, we got in the aircraft of Japan Airline which took off at 23.55 P.M.

The Second Day (On 26 December, 2007)

We arrived in OSAKA Airport at 07.05 A.M of time in Japan (a time of Japan faster than a time of Thailand about 2 hours), then checked in immigrant, and got baggage. After we got on a tour bus, we went to OSAKA CASTLE to visit and to take a picture of the castle that was very beautiful. Next, we went to UNIVERSAL STUDIO which is the biggest studio in the world that has many playthings very excited such as movie studio (background of Hollywood), watching movie 3-D of Terminator and Spider Man as if they are real things, riding a bicycle with E.T, going downstream in Jaw and Jurassic Park and enjoy in Snoopy Studios. In the evening, we went to SHINSYBASHI for having a dinner and shopping at DIMARU department.

The Third Day (On 27 December, 2007)

We went to NAGOYA railway station for getting a SHIKUNSEN Train that has a speed about 280 km/hr that is the pride in technology of Japan. When we got off a train, we went to HAMANA Lake to see a beauty of natural and tasted eel pie, which is the famous souvenir of NAGOYA. After we had lunch, we went to GOTEMBA PREMIUM OUTLET that is near FUJI Mountain. It is the center of many famous brand names such as Coach, Diesel, Gucci, Versace, Gap, Hugo Boss, and other. We went to SENGOKU Hotel to rest which has the hot spring that I and my relations soaked in it with shyness because the culture of Japanese when we soak in it, we must be nude. 555

The Fourth Day (On 28 December, 2007)

In the morning, we went to FUJITEN Ski Resort which is on foothills for playing a snow by sliding a board from the top on hill to lower area. The temperature there had about -2 degree Celsius that we must wear Long John and many clothes to make our bodies warming. At noon, we ate lunch at Ramen Museum that is guaranteed by TV Champion of Japan that the Ramen was very delicious, both the noodle Ramen, and the soup. After we were full, we went to ASAKUSA Temple at TOKYO Town for making a pilgrimage to goddess and shopping around there. Next, we went to SHINJUKU for shopping that had many people because it is the center of technology, camera, watch, clothes, and games.

The Fifth Day (On 29 December, 2007)

This day, we stayed at TOKYO DISNEYLAND all day because there are many playthings and performance of parades for playing such as Big Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, Hunted Mansion, Space Mountain, and Buzz Light Year from Toy Story and watching electrical parade that decorated with a many million lights and color of fireworks in the sky.

The Sixth Day (On 30 December, 2007)

The last day in Japan, we went to HARAJUKU, which is the center of teenager that they like to dress a cosplay that they want to be the same as the characters in the movies and the cartoons to show others. There are the department stores like SHINSYBASHI and SHIJUKU so we shopped again. About 14.00 A.M., we went to NARITA Airport to get on the aircraft of Japan Airline to come back to Thailand. We arrived at SUWANAPOOM Airport about 23.50 P.M. of time in Thailand with safety.

When I came back from Japan, I thought; the trip in Japan passed so fast. Even though I had already been in Japan, but I would like to stay there longer; I did not want the trip to end because I was fun. However, my dream had become true, but I will keep my money for going to Japan again because I like Japan very much, both the country and people that they were very nice. If you go to Japan, you will think like me.


What I like and I dislike about myself?

Today, I had a lunch with my friends as the same everyday. We talked about many stories such as how far we already read the books for examinations in Midterm, where we would go for our vacation and one of those topics that we talked, I kept it to think for writing in my blog that is what I like and I dislike about myself. The reason that I chose this topic because I tried to think that I ever think about myself or not and the answer is I had never thought about it so I would think today.

What I like and I dislike about myself? I used a long time to think about it because I have many things that I like and I dislike, so it is difficult to decide for the answer. At the first time, I thought; I like to listen rock music, play the guitar, eat Japanese food, go to cinema, go to concert and I dislike a house lizard, cockroach, and worm, dislike to study Arithmetic and English but the topics are not like together. So, I consider the topics which can be conformed between I like and dislike, so I choose the topics that I like about myself is I can eat everything which human can eat and I dislike about myself is I am fat from my eating.

First, I like about myself is I can eat everything which human can eat. I’m sure, you will interest in my answer. Do you have a point of doubt in my answer? Why I said that because it is truth. When I was young, I was a little girl who was charming and chubby. My father and my mother taught me to eat everything such as meat, pork, chicken, vegetable and another fruit that children did not like to eat such as coriander, bean, ginger, onion, spinach and pickled vegetable in order to be in good health. At the time, I am adolescence. I can eat the native food from other country easily. Sometime, I saw someone has a problem to eat food. When they went to other place, they could not eat native food because they could not adapt to agree new things. Then, they had lived with difficultly and misery. Eating is not trouble, it is my happiness in my life.

Next, I dislike about myself is I am fat. I believe no one in the world wants to have a fat shape. Do you know that fat is important problem for people all around the world especially for the woman? Yes, I am a woman and I am fat so a fat is a very big problem in my life. If you are fat, you will not have a happiness to be same as me. The reason that I dislike a fat because fatting made me could not wear beautiful dresses which are produced for the woman who is slim shape, made me did not have a boyfriend could not do something to be convenient and have many diseases. When someone said about diseases, I can tell you that nobody would like the sickness from disease. Fat is a one kind of disease, it has name of science is obesity. The obesity will make a human, who is fat, have another diseases following in next time such as Arthritis, Backache, Diabetes, High blood pressure, Mellitus, Enteritis, Congestive heart failure, and Cancer from toxin in food. If you have diseases, you will take care your health very long time than you recover from diseases or you may not recover as far as you die and in treatment that you must pay lots of money to the hospitals such as medical treatment expense, medicine expense doctor’s charge, nurse’s charge ,and patient room expense.

Therefore, I think; I have a good luck and bad luck. I have a good luck is I can adapt to live easily and I have a bad luck is I am not clever to think that I should or should not choose. I wish everybody would keep my story as a lesson. Then, I decide to reduce weight, to take exercise, to avoid a food which have high cholesterol and eat food have nutrition for my health.


Music Contest 2007

Two years ago, I began to play guitar to be my hobby because I love to sing a song that I thought; if I sang a song, it should have a melody of musical to play together. Then, I chose the guitar to play melody of song. When I played a guitar, The happiness would come that the sound of a guitar made me to relax from surrounding which annoyed me. I have played a guitar for 2 years, I ever dreamed that I would set a band to play in music festival and involve in music contest in anywhere that have competition but my dream has never happened because in my old school no one who could play guitar bass and drum then I could not set the band. When I graduated from my old school I entered to study in school of Law at Assumption University that now I am studying in second semester. I have many friends in the faculty that I found two friends in same group that I and they are close to me. We have a dream likely that we want to set a band that is staring of assemblage.

On 3rd December 2007, Music Club arranged music contest that was last round to decide who are winner in each kind of competition. Music Contest 2007 started until November 26th, 2007. This contest had 3 kinds to compete such as acoustic songs, string songs and singing. The referees who decided the competition were invited from music academies which are famous. I study playing guitar at Music Tree academy that teacher who has been teaching me, he came to decide round one in acoustic songs. I came to watch music contest 2007 because I thought; the next year I and friends will join in music contest to be experience for our life who love music.

The round one began by string songs on 26th – 27th November 2007 that had about 20 bands to participate in competition that I thought; they were very good to perform because when I played guitar to show other, I would contract and shake then I would play wrong. On 28th – 29th November 2007 that was round one for acoustic songs that had about 20 bands same as string songs. And the last competition was singing that had about 15 persons who participated which each one would sing two songs for passing to round two on 3rd December 2007.

The round two was the last round of competition. It had 3 referees to decide competition. Every kind of competition competed in one day. It stared by singing which had 5 persons to pass in this round that each one sang two songs which had a power in singing and it attracted audience to listen and to watch them. The next competition was acoustic songs which had 5 bands to pass this round that some band played and sang the songs which made audience to relax or some band made audience to enjoy and to dance with them. The last competition was string songs which had 6 bands to pass this round that my two friends stayed in this group but they did not stay same band that one was a singer and one was a guitar player. I thought; they dared to perform very much and when they sang or played , they did it very well that made me have spirit to play music, too. Then, the result of competition were announced that the band of my friend who played guitar received second award of string songs and my friend received the best guitar award but my friend who was the singer, she did not receive award; however, I gave my spirit to her that she must attempts to arrive her dream to succeed.

Finally, Music Contest 2007 gave me experiences that I would keep it to improve my self and my band to succeed in the future, and our dream will become true.