
Music Contest 2007

Two years ago, I began to play guitar to be my hobby because I love to sing a song that I thought; if I sang a song, it should have a melody of musical to play together. Then, I chose the guitar to play melody of song. When I played a guitar, The happiness would come that the sound of a guitar made me to relax from surrounding which annoyed me. I have played a guitar for 2 years, I ever dreamed that I would set a band to play in music festival and involve in music contest in anywhere that have competition but my dream has never happened because in my old school no one who could play guitar bass and drum then I could not set the band. When I graduated from my old school I entered to study in school of Law at Assumption University that now I am studying in second semester. I have many friends in the faculty that I found two friends in same group that I and they are close to me. We have a dream likely that we want to set a band that is staring of assemblage.

On 3rd December 2007, Music Club arranged music contest that was last round to decide who are winner in each kind of competition. Music Contest 2007 started until November 26th, 2007. This contest had 3 kinds to compete such as acoustic songs, string songs and singing. The referees who decided the competition were invited from music academies which are famous. I study playing guitar at Music Tree academy that teacher who has been teaching me, he came to decide round one in acoustic songs. I came to watch music contest 2007 because I thought; the next year I and friends will join in music contest to be experience for our life who love music.

The round one began by string songs on 26th – 27th November 2007 that had about 20 bands to participate in competition that I thought; they were very good to perform because when I played guitar to show other, I would contract and shake then I would play wrong. On 28th – 29th November 2007 that was round one for acoustic songs that had about 20 bands same as string songs. And the last competition was singing that had about 15 persons who participated which each one would sing two songs for passing to round two on 3rd December 2007.

The round two was the last round of competition. It had 3 referees to decide competition. Every kind of competition competed in one day. It stared by singing which had 5 persons to pass in this round that each one sang two songs which had a power in singing and it attracted audience to listen and to watch them. The next competition was acoustic songs which had 5 bands to pass this round that some band played and sang the songs which made audience to relax or some band made audience to enjoy and to dance with them. The last competition was string songs which had 6 bands to pass this round that my two friends stayed in this group but they did not stay same band that one was a singer and one was a guitar player. I thought; they dared to perform very much and when they sang or played , they did it very well that made me have spirit to play music, too. Then, the result of competition were announced that the band of my friend who played guitar received second award of string songs and my friend received the best guitar award but my friend who was the singer, she did not receive award; however, I gave my spirit to her that she must attempts to arrive her dream to succeed.

Finally, Music Contest 2007 gave me experiences that I would keep it to improve my self and my band to succeed in the future, and our dream will become true.

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