

Hello, everyone. From the last article which was ALSA, I told you that I went to interview to be a caretaker, who will look after the delegates from Japan that they will come to Thailand on 13 – 22 February, 2008. Now, I knew the result of the interview that I was selected to be the caretaker. When I knew the result, I was very happy because at the first time, I thought; other people who came to interview to be the caretaker same as me, they were excellently on speaking English and having knowledge more than me. After that I asked the committee why I was selected to be caretaker, they answered me that because they wanted the caretaker who has cleverness to solve the problems, and I have it. Now I am a caretaker, I must go to ALSA Camp to learn working about ALSA and a duty of caretaker.

ALSA Camp was arranged at Nakornratchasrima on 1st – 3rd February, 2008. The amount of people who went to ALSA Camp is 29 persons that involved one teacher who look after the ALSA of Assumption University. When we arrived a place which we must stay about 3 days and 2 nights, we thought; there had a water and an electricity to use or not because there were the farm of cow. But, when we went to a house which we must stay, it had the water and electricity that made me very happy.

After we kept a bag, the committee called us to hold a meeting to study about ALSA such as history, objective, structure, and activity that everybody in ALSA should know and they divided the freshman about 18 persons into 3 groups for giving the project about ALSA. They wanted each group to make one project, which could do for real and do the advantages to ALSA of Thailand or Assumption University. They gave 4 hours to think for the project and gave four seniors for us, so we could ask the questions, but they could not teach us to do the project, so we must try to do by ourselves that maybe correct or incorrect. In the end of the first day, the committee and the teacher gave us to report the project to them in the next day after that they commented each group about the wrong thing in the project, we must rewrite it again and do the project like a real working in our life.

The second day, we did the project with discourage because the comment that our group received are very bad but in this day, the four seniors helped and taught us to do the project so we could do it correctly. However, the step of the project could become true or not, it depend on ourselves that we could pass each step which had something to block us. In the end of the second day, it had the ceremony of the camp that is open - mind time that was everyone could say everything that they want without attention anyone such as I could admire the senior or my friends, I could reprove someone without the penalty. The reason that had open - mind because the requirement give everybody to know the advantage and disadvantage of them and bring everything which listened to improve themselves that made me like this ceremony very much.

The last day, we did a plan year of ALSA which is the activity that ALSA will do in 2008 - 2009 such as public speaking, moot court, conference, forum, study trip, and others. After we did the plan year, we left from the camp about 3.00 P.M. that we visited the Kru Tor restaurant to buy a curry puff and other souvenir for our family. We arrived at Assumption University about 7.00 P.M. with safety.

Finally, I was very happy when I went to the ALSA Camp because I met new friends and the senior as well. I knew the system of working in ALSA that I would like to do all the time that I think; it can help me to do everything carefully and systematically. So, I will improve myself to be a good person in the future. At last, I will meet Japanese and practice English to advance.


Tropical Penguin said...

Where did u get a pics of ALSA CAMP arrr....!
I'd like to have it in my blog as well.

phanphatchara said...

precious time nor~

i miss those feeling jung leoi.
next year again na ja my beloved.