
Can we always tell the truth?

If I ask you, can you always tell the truth? How you are going to- answer me? Why I ask you about the truth? I asked you about it because I think; nowadays human’s life relate to the truth all the time. The human can not avoid the truth in life, we must meet it anyway. If your answer is “you can always tell the truth”, I do not believe you absolutely. Why I said “I do not believe you” because I think everybody all around the world must be used to tell a lie just once in their lives but if your answer are “you can not always tell the truth”, I believe you because in my life that I can not always tell the truth, too.

When someone said about the truth what did you think about that? If someone said to me, I might think about the truth in life, the truth in action, the truth in speaking and the others.

Do you know the meaning of the truth? The truth is everything, all the facts about it. Now, I would like to say about the truth in speaking. I said about it because I think; every human has to speak all the time.

Have you ever thought how often you are speaking in one day? In one day, I think; I and you speak many times and many stories. Sometime, you may speak with your parents, your friends, you girlfriend or your boyfriend, your colleagues, your boss and others.

Have you ever told someone a lie? I think; you have never thought to tell a lie and you do not want to tell a lie to someone whom you speak with, but sometime you are necessary to tell a lie to him or her to protect yourself, or someone else.

What time or situation do you tell a lie? I do not know what time that you tell a lie but I know what situation that you are necessary to tell a lie. The situations that you tell a lie such as when you have a story which is secrecy, you can not tell something in the story to everyone. When you do something, which is the mistake that you do not want to receive a complaint from a person who take it. When you want to be a perfect person in others’ attitude, you tell a lie to everybody to think you are better in everything. You tell a lie to someone that may harm you or someone that you do not want yourself or them to get in danger. When someone steal something and he is caught on the spot, he need to tell a lie saying that he does not steal but others do it, he throws a mistake to others. When you want to do something in order to surprise someone, you would like to tell a lie to him. When you hang out without permission of your parents, you tell a lie to them that you have to do homework at school with your friends, so you will come back home late.

Finally, I would like to tell you that many times that I lied to other people. There are many reasons why I did it. Every time I lied, it made whom I can fool whether to be happy or sad. I am sorry for every thing that I laid. I did not want to tell a lie to anyone. I know, a lie is wrong but I have no choice. I hope that everybody will understand me, and everyone who has ever told a lie. Do you think like me?

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