
AU GAME 2007

AU Game days is the day that every faculties will join to compete for awards; although, the purpose of AU Game is unity of undergraduate and showing spirit of athlete.

On 19th November, 2007 that is AU Game days 2007. This year has 9 awards such as Sports, Best Cheer Leader, Best Cheer Leader Costume, Best Stand performance, Decoration Stand and other. The faculties which participated were School of Law, School of Management, School of Music, School of Science and Technology, School of Arts, School of Nursing, School of Biotechnology, School of Engineering, School of Architecture.

My faculty which is School of Law participated in AU Game every year. The last year, School of Law won 3 awards that made everybody in faculty wishes to win same as last year or win to get more and more awards.

The team that had the duty to take responsibilities about AU Game, they prepared AU Game for one month and practiced Stand performance for 3 weeks. I helped to prepare AU Game since one week before opening second semester. I made one-one which is the papers to show the picture of Stand performance and went to everywhere to buy equipment for work. After Assumption University opened second semester, I came to practice the songs and the performances everyday when I finished the classes.

Eventually, the real day of AU Game arrived. In the morning about 6.00 a.m., I went to the desk of School of Law to check my friends and call somebody that came lately because we would practice like real show the last time before going to sports stadium at Bangna Campus. When we finished practicing Stand performance, we got on the coach to go to Bangna Campus about 9.00 a.m. We arrived at sports stadium about 10.00 a.m. When I went to inside sports stadium, I was so excited to see the amazing decorated stand of school of Law because it decorated by a big canvas that drawn the picture about Egypt and Faros. I went to stand for preparing to repeat step of performance. About 12.00 a.m. we ate the lunch at the stand and I looked around that I saw every faculty was ready to show same as Law.

School of Law had the right to show the last faculty by casting lots that made we were compared with other faculties and got the points less. When we showed the performance, we began by cheer leaders that they got dressed Cleopatra and when cheer leaders danced, the stand cheer would sang the song and danced together and ended the show by dancing of Cleopatra.
After the competition the Best cheer leader and the Best Stand performance, the next competition was football between School of Law and School of Management that the result of competition was School of Management won School of Law by 6-4 points. Then, master of ceremonies came again to announce who win each kind of awards. Everyone in School of Law waited the results with excitement but when the master of ceremonies announced the last award, it did not have award for School of Law. Everybody was sad that we attempted for AU Game very much and we thought; we did it very excellent.

Why we did not get awards? I and everybody asked a question in return us and finally us known why we did not get awards because we did not according with the concept of AU Game that was back to school. AU Game 2007 taught us that when we did something, we must do it carefully and we must accept the result; although, it was good or bad.

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