
Opening second semester of Freshman

Hello, everybody. Welcome to my blog. My name is Dollaporn Theerapancharoen. You can call me “Pink”. My blog that I make it by myself, I would like to present about my life and story that I learnt from surrounding or read from the books that have benefit for me and you.

The first story that I will tell you that is opening the semester of me. Before I have come to study at Assumption University in second semester, I most stayed at home. When I stayed at home, I read the novels and magazines such as Harry Potter and Rich Dad or sometime I cooked the food for my dinner. If I did not stay at home, I would go to Faculty of Law that I am studying at Assumption University because I went to help my friends to do AU Game of Faculty of Law.

I opened second semester of freshman on October 29th. I was very excited because I would meet my friends again, I would have new friends in new classes and I would study new subjects with new teachers. My second semester, I registered 7 subjects that have 18 credits. The subjects that I registered which are English 2, General Psychology, Business Ethics Seminars, Law of Juristic Acts and Contracts, Criminal Law 1, Property and Land Law and Philosophy of Law.

The first subject that I began to study of week that is English 2 for student of Law. English is the subject that I like least; however, I will pay attention with it very much because I would like to pass English 2 to English 3. My teacher who teaches, he is Dutch. At first time, I studied with him, I contracted very much because somebody told me that he is very strict but in second and third class, I felt so good because he did not strict very much and lessons that he taught me which are interested. The second subject is Philosophy of Law which is subject of junior year. This subject studies about philosophy of legists which made to begin theories in Law that are used long time ago until nowadays. The third subject is General Psychology which every faculty must learn. This subject studies about behaviors and mental processes of human. A teacher when she taught, she used the words which are easily to understand that made me like to study Psychology more and more. Next subject that is Property and Land Law which is about dividing a kind of property such as immovable property and movable property and study about Acts of property. The fifth subject is Law of Juristic Acts and Contracts that I must study what is Juristic Acts, dividing a kind of contracts and making contracts. The sixth subject is Criminal Law 1 that study about performs of action which Acts of Thailand legislate legal or illegal. Then, the last subject is Business Ethics Seminars. It is about Ethic of human for living in society. Assumption University see the importance of this subject so they appoint that undergraduate must study this subject 8 times in 4 years (or 5 years) because everybody can stay with together if they have Ethic.

Finally, I think; I need to diligent more than before because every subject that is difficulty more past. If I am lazy, I may fail surely.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

I am Dutch and I come from Holland.

P.S. Please change the lay-out language to English in the Dashboard.