
AU GAME 2007

AU Game days is the day that every faculties will join to compete for awards; although, the purpose of AU Game is unity of undergraduate and showing spirit of athlete.

On 19th November, 2007 that is AU Game days 2007. This year has 9 awards such as Sports, Best Cheer Leader, Best Cheer Leader Costume, Best Stand performance, Decoration Stand and other. The faculties which participated were School of Law, School of Management, School of Music, School of Science and Technology, School of Arts, School of Nursing, School of Biotechnology, School of Engineering, School of Architecture.

My faculty which is School of Law participated in AU Game every year. The last year, School of Law won 3 awards that made everybody in faculty wishes to win same as last year or win to get more and more awards.

The team that had the duty to take responsibilities about AU Game, they prepared AU Game for one month and practiced Stand performance for 3 weeks. I helped to prepare AU Game since one week before opening second semester. I made one-one which is the papers to show the picture of Stand performance and went to everywhere to buy equipment for work. After Assumption University opened second semester, I came to practice the songs and the performances everyday when I finished the classes.

Eventually, the real day of AU Game arrived. In the morning about 6.00 a.m., I went to the desk of School of Law to check my friends and call somebody that came lately because we would practice like real show the last time before going to sports stadium at Bangna Campus. When we finished practicing Stand performance, we got on the coach to go to Bangna Campus about 9.00 a.m. We arrived at sports stadium about 10.00 a.m. When I went to inside sports stadium, I was so excited to see the amazing decorated stand of school of Law because it decorated by a big canvas that drawn the picture about Egypt and Faros. I went to stand for preparing to repeat step of performance. About 12.00 a.m. we ate the lunch at the stand and I looked around that I saw every faculty was ready to show same as Law.

School of Law had the right to show the last faculty by casting lots that made we were compared with other faculties and got the points less. When we showed the performance, we began by cheer leaders that they got dressed Cleopatra and when cheer leaders danced, the stand cheer would sang the song and danced together and ended the show by dancing of Cleopatra.
After the competition the Best cheer leader and the Best Stand performance, the next competition was football between School of Law and School of Management that the result of competition was School of Management won School of Law by 6-4 points. Then, master of ceremonies came again to announce who win each kind of awards. Everyone in School of Law waited the results with excitement but when the master of ceremonies announced the last award, it did not have award for School of Law. Everybody was sad that we attempted for AU Game very much and we thought; we did it very excellent.

Why we did not get awards? I and everybody asked a question in return us and finally us known why we did not get awards because we did not according with the concept of AU Game that was back to school. AU Game 2007 taught us that when we did something, we must do it carefully and we must accept the result; although, it was good or bad.


Social problems in Thailand

When I was on the way to go somewhere in long time. I always watch out from the car, I see the roads that there’s a heavy traffic jam and I also watch the television in the car that has the news about social problems in Thailand such as narcotic drugs and corruption of politician that made bad result for everybody. Then, I bring social problems that I found to write in my blog.

Are there social problems in Thailand? If someone asks me this question, I will answer him that in Thailand, there’re many social problems. I have been lived in Bangkok since I was born. Bangkok is a capital of Thailand, which is the center of the civilization such as marketing, economy, politics, society and customs. So I always receive information from around the world a particular Thailand all the time. Thailand has many social problems because when people live in Bangkok in order to find the comfort for their life, they will do everything that they want without sympathy than that social problems happened. Many social problems in Thailand such as traffic jam in big cities selling narcotic drugs in everywhere, corruption of politician and others.

The first social problem is a traffic jam which occurs in big cities because the biggest cities are the center of the civilization especially Bangkok and other big cities like Pattaya and Chieng Mai. So people would like to live in big cities when the number of population increase, the cities would have a lot of people. Most people own there facilities for their convenience and happiness; especially cars. Then, traffic jam happens in big cities because many people use their own car without using public transport. The result from traffic jam will make a stress to people who live in big cities because people have to waste time in their car for long time that make them go to work or go to do something lately. A stress does not good for their health.

The second social problem is selling narcotic drugs in everywhere in Thailand. Although government of Thailand has the method to solve this problem all the time but the fact this problem would decrease at the first time that they solved and afterward it would increase same as in the past. So when someone said this problem, I felt disheartened because when the society has narcotic drugs, which causes crimes commit, everyone felt anxious because of it. Narcotic drugs make family broken up; children who are future of the nation are destroyed that they could not make benefits for society. Everybody in society do not have happiness because addicts will do everything in order to have money for buying narcotic drugs to eat that they will kill or harm who have money so people are troubled. Then the society will can fuse and without peace.

The third social problem is as important as the two problems before, that is the corruption of politician. Everyone who has lived in Thailand will know about this problem perfectly why I said that because the corruption in Thailand always happens until the past to nowadays. The corruption that everybody could see the most happened in politics circle by politicians. The politicians are corrupt for finding benefits for him or themselves such as money, position and reputation and others. They do it with selfishness for long time and they did not pay attention to anyone that would get distressed from their action. Then, the society did not have peace, it had only many confusion that same as TAKSIN’s case in nowadays.

Finally, if I am a leader of the government, I will dedicate myself in order to solve the social problems. The people will live in society together with happiness and peace and Thailand will develop more than today.


Laughing with Tears.

On 1st November 2007
I studied Criminal Law 1 with my two friends, Narm and Jelly. My closed friend whose name's Joy, she went to “THE MALL” department store with Pang to pay the mobile phone service that made them to study lately. When class finished, Joy asked me to borrow my lecture that I let her borrowed my lecture.

At the evening when I stayed at home, Joy called me that she did not have my lecture. She thought; it lost. I was frightened very much that I told her to search it next day.

On 2nd November 2007
I went to Assumption University. Before I had studied General Psychology, I called Joy if she found my lecture. She answered me that she did not find because she did not go to class room to search it, so I got angry on her very much. Why she did not go there?

When I went to study General Psychology, I asked her why she came to the class lately. She did not answer me that I thought; she got angry on me so after class I would speak with her again.
Nevertheless I did not speak with her because my friends (Narm, Jelly, Pang, Aom and Arm) prohibited me that they had a plan about Joy’s birthday which they wanted me to pretend to be angry and ignore Joy for surprising on November 7th, 2007.

After General Psychology, I and Pang went to “THE MALL” department store for buying the gift that was pig pillow which had head frog. The reason that I chose it because Joy was fear frog but she likes pencuin, I did not find it to give her.

On 3rd November 2007
I had schedule time to study guitar and to go to book store for buying the books about Law subjects. I appointed with my friends whose name were Beau and Ohm that they would come with me to buy the books. When I called them, they told me that Joy stayed with them. I decided that I would go to buy the books only one because if I met Joy, I did not know what I should do. When Joy called me, I did not receive her call. Then I went to meet my friends after Joy came back to her home.

On 4th November 2007
I stayed at home and I did not get connecting from Joy.

On 5th November 2007
That day was Monday, the classes had begun again and all day I did not speak with Joy, and I did not sit with her as the same I did in the past that everybody in faculty of Law knew about Me and Joy that when we went to anywhere, we always went together.

On 6th November 2007
The situation was the same as yesterday. I attempted to avoid Joy all the time but after we studied General Psychology about 14.00 P.M., I went to study Property and Land Law. I and Pang met Joy at basketball stadium, Pang went to talk with Joy but I walked to the class suddenly. I thought; Joy might be sad very much.

On 7th November 2007
Joy’s birthday. When I and my friends finished General Psychology class, we separated two groups that the first group were Joy and Pang and the second group were Me, Narm, Jelly and Aom. Pang had duty to talk with Joy that why Joy did not help me to search my book and talk about another thing which made Joy so sad. I and others had duty to buy Tokyo cake instead of birthday cake for surprising Joy. In the evening, Joy had schedule to practice AU Game that I prepared with senior about the plan. Senior asked me and Joy why we did not stay together as the same like the past and I told the reason why and the feeling that I was serious that made Joy crying. When Joy cried, I brought Tokyo cake to surprise her that made her laughing with tears.

Finally, we song birthday’s song to Joy and I apologized her about everything that I had made. She punished me by forcing me to let me eat Tokyo cake.

Then, Joy forgives me about everything that I did, please. And I did everything because I love you, my closed friend.


Opening second semester of Freshman

Hello, everybody. Welcome to my blog. My name is Dollaporn Theerapancharoen. You can call me “Pink”. My blog that I make it by myself, I would like to present about my life and story that I learnt from surrounding or read from the books that have benefit for me and you.

The first story that I will tell you that is opening the semester of me. Before I have come to study at Assumption University in second semester, I most stayed at home. When I stayed at home, I read the novels and magazines such as Harry Potter and Rich Dad or sometime I cooked the food for my dinner. If I did not stay at home, I would go to Faculty of Law that I am studying at Assumption University because I went to help my friends to do AU Game of Faculty of Law.

I opened second semester of freshman on October 29th. I was very excited because I would meet my friends again, I would have new friends in new classes and I would study new subjects with new teachers. My second semester, I registered 7 subjects that have 18 credits. The subjects that I registered which are English 2, General Psychology, Business Ethics Seminars, Law of Juristic Acts and Contracts, Criminal Law 1, Property and Land Law and Philosophy of Law.

The first subject that I began to study of week that is English 2 for student of Law. English is the subject that I like least; however, I will pay attention with it very much because I would like to pass English 2 to English 3. My teacher who teaches, he is Dutch. At first time, I studied with him, I contracted very much because somebody told me that he is very strict but in second and third class, I felt so good because he did not strict very much and lessons that he taught me which are interested. The second subject is Philosophy of Law which is subject of junior year. This subject studies about philosophy of legists which made to begin theories in Law that are used long time ago until nowadays. The third subject is General Psychology which every faculty must learn. This subject studies about behaviors and mental processes of human. A teacher when she taught, she used the words which are easily to understand that made me like to study Psychology more and more. Next subject that is Property and Land Law which is about dividing a kind of property such as immovable property and movable property and study about Acts of property. The fifth subject is Law of Juristic Acts and Contracts that I must study what is Juristic Acts, dividing a kind of contracts and making contracts. The sixth subject is Criminal Law 1 that study about performs of action which Acts of Thailand legislate legal or illegal. Then, the last subject is Business Ethics Seminars. It is about Ethic of human for living in society. Assumption University see the importance of this subject so they appoint that undergraduate must study this subject 8 times in 4 years (or 5 years) because everybody can stay with together if they have Ethic.

Finally, I think; I need to diligent more than before because every subject that is difficulty more past. If I am lazy, I may fail surely.