
Valentine’s Day, 2008

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of lover to express their loves to each other. It is on February 14th of every year. The symbol of Valentine’s Day is a red heart – shaped; however, the lover can express in other patterns such as chocolates, cards, flowers and others.

Why I write a blog about Valentine’s Day? Because Valentine’s Day is coming and every year, Valentine’s Day is a special occasion of my family that is my father’s birthday, so my family arranges the celebration and gives the gifts to my father every year. But, this year is special more than every year because I will give a chocolate to someone that I like him very much.

He is a senior in school of Law same as me. I have liked him for five months but I could express to him that I like him because that time he had a girlfriend so I must keep my feeling all along. Nevertheless, the destiny is taking side with me now because he and his girlfriend were terminated by some reason about a month that I just knew when I went to ALSA Camp that made me very happy. I know that I think like this, it is very bad but I like him really.

At this time, the Valentine’s Day is coming; I decided that I will do a Valentine’s chocolate and a Valentine’s card to give him to express my feeling. So yesterday, I went to buy the ingredient of Valentine’s chocolate such as chocolate bars, almonds, and butters. When I walked to choose the chocolate, I met chocolate which has a guitar – shaped, that I bought it suddenly because the man who I like, he plays the guitar and the last thing that I bought is a Valentine’s card. However, I did not forget the gift for my father. I used a long time to choose the gift for my father because I did not know that what I should buy for him. Finally, I bought a coffee cup which has feature, a man is growing a love tree, and for my father because every morning, my father likes to drink a coffee so I thought; when he uses this coffee cup, he will miss me all the time.

Valentine’s Day, I have two plans that are cooking the Valentine’s chocolate, first is for a person I like, I will do chocolate in a pattern of a small piece about 18 pieces that has an almond inside of each piece. I will pack it in a middle silver box and tie it by blue ribbon. Then the Valentine’s chocolate for my father and my friends; I will make it in a pattern of a big piece same as the cookie of Ms. Fill because I will give each person just one piece.

Finally, I am very excited to give the Valentine’s chocolate and the Valentine’s card to him because I am so shy to express my feeling and I fear that he will not be pleased because he thinks about me as a sister. Then, I hope, when he gets my chocolate, he will have a happiness; even though he is not pleases with my Valentine’s chocolate, I wish he will not change the good relationships between us into bad way. I hope indeed.


Tropical Penguin said...

I've no one to give chocolate
*anyway give me chocolate, ok?

Chompoonut881 said...

I love chocolate very very much.

I am so jealous, how lucky that person is!

I hope that I will get something from my boyfriend on Valentine's day >,<

phanphatchara said...

So sick of th love story 555+

lol! Just kidding na
i'm so jealous at him!

tinnapat881 said...

Hey!!! may i know his name???

im so jealous!!! coz i have no one to give chocolate in this valentine exactly,,,,,,, then would u give me some??? hahh!!